Sunday 31 January 2016

Glimpses of Mother Krishnabai - X

Mataji - Denying the ownership

In spite of her multifarious activities, Mataji never owns that she does anything, but says that it is her "Papa"(Swami Ramdas), the all pervading Lord of the Universe, who is doing all. For the opening celebration of the Ashram, the brunt of the work fell on Mataji.  She was here, there and everywhere.  The celebrations went off smoothly and none who came to the Ashram could know what pain Mataji must have been feeling.  Yet, if you ask her, she would attribute everything to her Papa.  "He is the supreme doer, the supreme prompter, the manager of the whole show.""O-o-oh!" Papa laughed outright. "Listen to her. She is the Divine Mother, the Maha Shakti, the cause of all action in the world.  Ramdas is only her blissful carefree child, and he is quite content to remain so.  What does a child with emphasis on 'this', "happens to know everything that there is to know and that which is beyond all knowledge.  Don't be misled by the child-like pose.  Nothing can move on this earth without His will, nothing can grow without His will.  Yet, He calls Himself a child! That is also His Lila."  For whatever she does, she makes Papa responsible.  It is her Papa doing everything in her and through her.  She attributed her each breath, word, act and every movement in the world to Papa only.  In all her 'Letter to Papa', which was her unique style of communication with the devotees, this is her constant refrain.

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