Drama of Ram Vs Ramdas
"Which one?"
"'Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves' - if you know what I mean."
"Oh, clear as crystal!" he said and then with another hearty guffaw: "But wasn't it embarrassing, what?"
"Agreed," I said amused. "But I feel tempted to put to you a question, if you will pardon me.'
"Fire away."
"You said to me only a little while ago, that you see nothing but Ram anywhere. How then could you have the heart to refuse a battalion of three Rams, armed with His native cajolement's?"
Swamiji laughed again and said: "That is a good one. But didn't Ramdas tell you that he made a point always of referring to the voice of the inner Ram, seated here?" He pointed to his heart. "So, when the external Ram in the three pundits coaxed and cajoled, Ramdas heard the voice of inner Ram who kept warning him: "Look here Ramdas! I am to play-act now and request you to preside in their conference. But don't you agree, on any acount' - Ha, ha, ha!"
But I could not give you the context in which all the drama of 'Ram versus Ramdas' was enacted. It was really one of the most assuming scenes I have ever witnessed in the hallowed aura of a saint.